

ramblings of a chaotic mind

Implement page stats

on 2023-07-14 by Gertjan Assies reading time 0 min, viewed 48 times, read 0 times, liked 0 times

Implement page stats

In a previous blog I talked about a blog I created with Sveltekit and after I added some SEO related metadata. I wanted to see if it’s actually being found and read.

I could of course just add google analytics or something similar, but I’m learning about Svelte and Typescript. so lets if we can implement a simple pageview counter, storing it in redis. which is a superfast key/value database making it ideal for this kind of data.

Upstash provides one free redis db when you signup and after creating a database, you can copy paste the connection string from the dashboard.

Im using ioredis, the offical redis client written in typescript;

npm install -D ioredis

Creating the client is a simple as creating a new Redis(connection_string). In the case I populate the REDIS_CONNECTION env variable with the url from upstach

import Redis from 'ioredis';

const connection = () => {
  let connection = process.env.REDIS_CONNECTION ?? "redis://localhost:6379";
  return new Redis(connection);    

Then I need a function to increment the pageview

import { dev } from '$app/environment';

export const incrementPageView: (slug: string) => Promise<number>  = async (slug: string) => {
  let prefix = "prod";
  if (dev) { prefix = "dev"; } 
 return await redis().incr(`${prefix}:post:${slug}:views`);

incr(key: string) creates the key with value 1 if it doesn’t exist, increments it otherwise and returns the updated value.

I add an prefix to the key to differentiate between my dev environment and the ‘production’ one. (only got one free db)

now I want a page to list all the pageviews for that I need a function that returns all those

type PageView = {
    slug: string;
    views: number;

export const getPageViews: () => Promise<PageView[]> = async () => {
  let prefix = "prod";
  if (dev) { prefix = "dev"; }

  const keys = await connection().keys(`${prefix}:post:*:views`);
  if (keys.length != 0) {
    const views: string[] = (await redis().mget(...keys)).map((view) => view ?? '0');
    return keys.map((key, index) => {
        return {
            slug: key.split(':')[2],
            views: parseInt(views[index])
  } else {
    return [];

let’s go through this, Redis doesn’t have functionality to return a list of key/values in one go, so first I have to get the keys

  const keys: string[] = await connection().keys(`${prefix}post:*:views`);

.. and then the values, Redis has the mget call where you specify multiple keys as arguments. ... is the so called spread operator which transforms an array into a list of arguments.

  const views: PageView[] = await redis().mget(...keys).map((view) => view ?? '0');

when a key doesn’t exists its return’s null for that key, so the result type for mget is Promise<(string | null)[]> where null should never happen as i’m getting the keys from the same data. to get to a Promise<string[]> type I just map null’s to '0' with the ?? operator. then I merge both the slug from the key and the views into the PageView[] result;

In the end I only have to do 2 calls.

one thing to remember is that the keys() method is blocking and goes over every key in your database, so for high traffic/low latency applications you are better of using scan() which is not blocking but only returns a subset, meaning have to call it multiple times to get all the results. I might update my code to do this, but for the purpose of this blog it’s fine.

So now what’s left is to call the incrementPageviews() method, in the server side load method that is called whenever a page is requested:

import { incrementPageView } from '$lib/server/redis.ts';

export const load: PageServerLoad = async ({ params }) => {
  const { slug } = params;


  let pageviews = await incrementPageView(slug);

  return {
    pageviews: pageviews,

I also return the pageviews, so it can be displayed on the page somewhere if needed

To show all pageviews on a page I created a component:

<!-- /src/components/PageView.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
  import  type { PageView } from '$lib/types';

  export let data: PageView[];
  // sort on number of page views
  let sorted: PageView[] = data.sort((a, b) => b.views - a.views);

{#if sorted.length === 0}
  <p>No pageviews yet.</p>
  <table class="pageviews">
      {#each sorted as item}
          <td class="views">{item.views}</td>

and the page i’m using it in:

// /stats/+page.server.ts
import type { PageServerLoad } from './$types';
import { getPageViews } from '$lib/server/redis.ts';

export const load: PageServerLoad = (async () => {
    return {
        pageviews: getPageViews(),
<!-- /stats/+page.md -->
<script lang="ts">
  import PageViews from '$src/components/PageViews.svelte'

  import type { PageData } from './$types';
  export let data: PageData;

# Pageviews

<PageViews data={data.pageviews} />

Further steps

I may want to implement some more functionality, calculate reading time, based on the nr of words. and then a metric to calculate the reading time.

If I do the redis data is going to move to hashsets where the slug is a hash under which several sets of metrics can be stored.

Opinions expressed here are my own and not the views of my employer or anyone else, (re)use is free, but quoting the source is appreciated.
This blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. © 2023 by Gertjan Assies